Monday, September 2, 2013


As I sit down to write this I have lots of emotions going through me. I am beyond excited to get this opportunity to be a fellow at MD Anderson for a year. I am blessed beyond belief for all of the supportive people who helped me get to where I am. I am in awe of the program, and what the hospital stands for. Tomorrow is usual first day stuff, orientation, sign up for benefits, and more orientation.

But, I know as the days unfold,  some days will be long, maybe some will be short or "normal." I know there will probably be days where I am fighting to hold back tears, and other days when a patient goes into remission that will fill my heart with joy.  I know I will be touched in ways by patients and their families that I never would have guessed. I know I'll probably end up forming lifelong relationships with new friends, and colleagues. I will be stretched when I don't necessarily want to be stretched, but it will be worth it and good.

It will be hard. I won't always know what I'm doing. I will have to ask a lot of questions. Some days I'll wonder what I have gotten myself into, and others I'll wonder if I picked the right place to be.  But, I'll also know my work is bigger than me. I know I'll be part of a team that is fighting to end cancer. I will be lucky enough to have an abundant amount of resources at my fingertips. I will get to learn from the best, and I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to do so.

So, tonight, my "summer" comes to an end. No more laying by the pool and reading my books. No more going to the gym whenever I want. No more home baked goods for the brothers, well maybe I'll still make time for that :). Tonight, marks the closing of one chapter, and tomorrow when I wake up I will be starting a new chapter. A chapter that is new, and exciting, and yet scary and daunting at the same time. But, with all that said, I could not be more excited or proud to be joining the team that is "Making Cancer History!"
